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Fear Nothing Achieve Anything

Written by idolizethemind


Posted on December 05 2012

What holds you back? Yourself that is the only answer, day in and day out you hear people complain about their life, but never take action into fixing it. Fear is your worst enemy. Having fear will not only stop you from achieving anything but it will also drive you crazy believe it or not. Here at Idolize we encourage others to become better than the day before. If you fear success you leave your self to fail, that works in both directions.

The best way to overcome your fear is to attack them. What ever it is you want you can have it. When you give into your fear, you feed that fear, it becomes real for you whether it is real or not. That alone will set limitations on how far you go in life, because you're limiting what you do. Once you are able to really recognize your fears, and attack them you will then begin to enjoy life.

- Edison



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