•投稿日: 12月 10 2012
5 コメント
The Recipe for success is dream, courage, determined nation, persistence and the glue that keeps it all together is passion. And you my friend you embody all the characteristic of it. The first quote below illustrate the passion it takes to be successful and the second quote reveals the people who lack passion and give up.
“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”― Thomas Edison
“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.”
― Thomas Edison
Well said by someone who truly has passion for everything he does. I’ve seen it first hand and now how much it motivates you and pushes you in life.
Passion is a powerful emotion … It’s strong enuf to make u feel like anything can b done … Nothing is can stand n ur way. Lytes has Passion for is music as if it was his child, keep pushing u will get where u wanna b with Passion pushing u.
That is true and well enough said..
Words of a very Passionate Man! You are right bro nothing can stop you from achieving what you truly want in life but you. for every down fall there will be an uplifting! Remember to always hold your head high and smile and welcome all haters… At the end they will be your biggest fans!